Modern Art kunst
"model med sort hat"De lette strøgs mesterEfterladte værker af Viggo Tuexen2.2 - 23.3.2024
Modern Art Kunst
"udsigt over fjord"De lette strøgs mesterEfterladte værker af Viggo Tuexen2.2 - 23.3.2024
"kollage på mørkt pap"De lette strøgs mesterEfterladte værker af Viggo Tuexen2.2 - 23.3.2024
"høstmodne marker"De lette strøgs mesterEfterladte værker af Viggo Tuexen2.2 - 23.3.2024
"model med rød hat"De lette strøgs mesterEfterladte værker af Viggo Tuexen2.2 - 23.3.2024
"Frozen"24.11..2023 - 27.1.2024Daniela Stoian
"The Influence of Coincidence"1.9 - 28.10.2023Henrik Pyndt Sørensen"Indre By #7"
Moderne Art Kunst
"The Influence of Coincidence"1.9 - 28.10.2023Henrik Pyndt Sørensen"Sølvgade"
"The Influence of Coincidence"1.9 - 28.10.2023Henrik Pyndt Sørensen"Abel Cathrines Gade 1"
"The Influence of Coincidence"1.9 - 28.10.2023Henrik Pyndt Sørensen"Gammel Kongevej #2"
"The Influence of Coincidence"1.9 - 28.10.2023Henrik Pyndt Sørensen"Vesterbro #1"
Modern art kunst
"He, She & Me"14.4 - 17.6.2023Ole Werner Munck"Skjorten"
"He, She & Me"14.4 - 17.6.2023Ole Werner Munck"Torso"
"He, She & Me"14.4 - 17.6.2023Ole Werner Munck"Mr. Jungle"
"He, She & Me"14.4 - 17.6.2023Ole Werner Munck"Møjdyret"
"He, She & Me"14.4 - 17.6.2023Ole Werner Munck"Female WArrior"
modern art kunst
"le monde fantastique de Marc Desmullier - II"4.11.2022 - 28.1.2023
fænomen m vingeKirsten Graver"m.m. 22"2.9-29.10.2022
ophobning nr 1 Kirsten Graver"m.m. 22"2.9-29.10.2022
rød containerKirsten Graver"m.m. 22"2.9-29.10.2022
fænomen nr5 (hvid)Kirsten Graver"m.m. 22"2.9-29.10.2022
fænomen m pletterKirsten Graver"m.m. 22"2.9-29.10.2022
Camilla Sort"Camillas Cigar Show"1.4 - 18.6.2022
Karina Adel Jarlstrup"Omveje til Smutveje"(Shortcut to a Detour)4.2 - 26.3.2022
Ole Werner Munck"Livets dans" (Dance of Life)5.11.2021 - 29.1.2022
September-Festivalsupported by DK Ministry of Culture:Rene Madsen"Songs from Weeks & Days"
September-Festivalsupported by DK Ministry of Culture:"Repulsion-Work in Progress"
September-Festivalsupported by DK Ministry of Culture:Mr. B & DDD
September-Festivalsupported by DK Ministry of Culture:Ole Werner Munck,Marie Wärme
September-Festivalsupported by DK Ministry of Culture:Ole Werner Munck &Clara Wärme
"Miscellaneous" 3.9-30.10.2021showed different works "from behind" .Ebbe Pettersson (SE) "In my own Rags"
"Miscellaneous" 3.9-30.10.2021showed different works "from behind" .Marc Desmullier(FR) "Ourobouros"
"Miscellaneous" 3.9-30.10.2021showed different works "from behind" .Kurt Trampedach (DK) ”Self-portrait”
"Miscellaneous" 3.9-30.10.2021showed different works "from behind" .Ole Werner Munck(DK) "Ritual Dance"
"Miscellaneous" 3.9-30.10.2021showed different works "from behind" Michael Zaborowski(PL) "After Season"
Henrik Pyndt Sørensen "Let the trees Grow Old (and die)" 9.4 - 19.6.2021
Rafael Fuchs "Death of a Hipster"13.11.20 - 28.3.21
Ole Werner Munck"The Cave"4.9 - 31.10.2019
Ole Werner Munck"The Cave"4.9 - 31.10.2020
Kirsten Graver: "What to Become - Version 1.0" 6.3 - 13.6.2020
Marc Desmullier (1953-2019) in Bretagne, Okt. 2018
"Marc Desmullier - In Memoriam"3.1 - 29.2.2020
"And the Birds still Sing"Ole Werner Munck in Galleri Wärme 8.11-14.12.2019
Performance withOle Werner Munck & Clara W.O.Galleri Wärme
"And the Birds still Sing"Ole Werner Munck in Fuchs Projects,Bushwick, NYC, 10-20.10.2019
Performance withOle Werner Munck & Clara W.O.Fuchs Projects, Bushwick, NYC
"Sculptures"Antti Nordin (FI)6.9 - 2.11.2019
modern art photo
"Greetings from Bushwick"Rafael Fuchs26.4 - 21.6.2019
Henrik Pyndt Sørensen:"The Present Future"9.2 - 13.4.2019
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